As part of our dynamic content library, SDI offers a ready-to-use Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) program. What makes this different than other safety and health training offerings on the market? First, let’s review a couple reasons why traditional programs fail:
- Programs focus on the number of incidents, and not on the behavior of people. Of course, the goal of any EH&S program is to reduce work-related injuries and incidents, but those incidents might continue due to the workplace culture’s regard towards the importance of safety protocol, and not due to an issue with training content. The best safety programs are destined to fail, if the people responsible aren’t held accountable for strict compliance on a daily basis!
- They can be cumbersome and time-consuming to administer. Even in organizations where technology is leveraged to track compliance, it is often still a manual process to assign employees courses, track completion and refresher dates, and enter on-the-job training records. Thus, over time entries become more lax, or revert back to filing paper records.
- Emphasis on safety only occurs after an incident. Again, this refers to the overall safety culture of an organization. Are safety programs continuously promoted and ingrained into the fiber of your company? Or are they an afterthought once initial onboarding has occurred, and only resurface when annual refresher training is required, or someone gets injured on the job?
SDI’s EH&S program addresses these factors, and much more. With our program:
- The program is dynamic, and available anywhere, on any device. Each user has his/her own log in and personal dashboard indicating overall progress. System prompts provide easy reminders of upcoming and overdue training. And the environment and content are dynamic across all devices – whether on a stationary training computer on the shop floor, on a laptop in your cubicle, or on your phone or tablet over lunch, the employee experience is the same!
- The content library covers numerous EH&S topics and is always expanding. Our EH&S program offers a variety of courses in the areas of OSHA and general safety, personal safety, emergency response, environmental safety, warehouse/equipment safety, and materials/chemical safety. And any content updates or course additions are pushed to your employees, at no additional cost to you. For example, we quickly inserted an informational course on COVID-19 at the start of the coronavirus outbreak, and added a Returning to Work course once states began reopening. For users, these simply appeared in their curriculum offering the next time they logged in.
- Employees are evaluated on individual topics, as well as real-world application. Each safety topic includes a test that must be passed…but each bundle of topics also includes section assessments that bring multiple concepts together into real-world scenarios, leading to more realistic “on the job” responses to situations.
- EH&S is automated. Employees are entered into the system and assigned curricula, and the rest is taken care of! Course completion dates and scores are registered, automatically triggering a countdown to their next refresher training. The system automatically communicates with them once they are due for refresher training, and admins and leaders can check dashboard reports at any time to see where their employees stand.
- The OJT process is also automated! For example, once a user completes a course on PPE, the online on-the-job training checklist is unlocked. They can work with a certified floor trainer to demonstrate proper PPE identification, wear, use, and maintenance per the checklist, and submit everything electronically. The trainer can virtually sign off from their end, and the OJT training record is recorded automatically in the system! And as with courses, the employee and manager will be notified once that individual is due for recertification on the job.
- EH&S is ongoing, so it becomes ingrained in your culture. Our program pushes “refresher scenarios” throughout the year to all employees, so safety becomes less of an event, and more of a way of life within your organization. These scenarios bring together multiple safety topics, with responses logged in the system so you are able to assess the employee’s recall of key EH&S concepts throughout the year. Failing a scenario provides a prompt of related courses the employee may need to retake.
If you have questions or would like to view a demo of what makes our dynamic EH&S program different, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
In the meantime, everyone continue to remain safe…at work, at home, and in your community!